The newest release of is the latest chapter in the evolution of an agency and a dream that began almost 4 years ago. This is the backblog, the behind-the-scenes look at its release history- and in the spirit of transparency, names have not been changed.
4/05 BRANDEMiX begins.
Kelly was a flash designer who was going out with my nephew. I was looking to conserve capital, she wanted something for her book. Unfortunately, my nephew broke up with her mid-project and between heartbreak, and my craziness, she was glad to say goodbye. This was the intro and home page that resulted from the partnership.
We never did launch the portfolio, and I didn't think too much about the website, busy as I was growing the business.
2/07 OPPORTUNITIES abound.
Marlene brought us an opportunity to bid on a really huge web project. Great work and a really professional presentation resulted in our coming in a very close second. We believe we didn't win because they saw our site. and worried.
9/07 BRANDEMiX re-design begins.
To his credit, Fred tried really hard to find the balance between what I wanted: edgy, out-there and street, and something more representative of the clients we were pitching... Fortune 1000s. non-profs and education. The fighting was ferocious, and after many iterations and one episode of Fred throwing his back out and winding up on the floor for several hours as he waited for the spasm to pass, we finally settled on what you may have seen, if you stopped by yesterday.
These were among the many designs.
1/08 The Winner Is...
It wasn't necessarily my favorite by by now, I was obstructing progress and major decisions were taken out of my hands.
The portfolio always remained "coming soon" and the only people that seemed to care were my competition. It still wasn't where I wanted it to be, but I resigned myself to minor tweaks like adding a HOME button. Fall 2008, I resolved to move forward.
3/09 BRANDEMiX 2.009 is here.
Sometime tonight the curtain goes up. After almost 4 years, I'm as proud of what we've already accomplished as I am to unveil it to you. The requisite gradients and reflections keep with our passion for the latest design trends. And the back-end cms will keep it fresh, so do drop by often.
Just like an academy award winning documentary, there are many people who deserve a thanks and/or an apology for their enduring efforts on behalf of the project. (I never said I was easy.) So Kelly, Freddy, Mat, Asunda, Diana, Anita, Anita, Anita- let's hug it out.
And to all my valued clients, thanks for signing off on the great work that I'm so proud to display.
And for those of you who aren't my clients yet, let me say that it's much easier building websites for other people than it is for myself.
And I promise, it doesn't always take 4 years.
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